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Visualization and Simulation

Gemini Visual System (GVS)

Gemini Technology Corporation

Generic Visual System (GVS) software transforms a workstation systeminto a general-purpose, low-cost, computer-generated imagery (CGI) systemwhen coupled with the Raster Technologies GX4 PHIGS+ hardware on AT&TPXM900 Super Computer. GVS uses the 3-D graphics hardware to providerealtime visual solutions for applications such as flight, space, orground-based simulation that require fast display update rates. GVSsupports single or multiple "channel" applications such as binocularstereo or wide-angle field-of-view. Key features include the following:

Language: C++
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: Silicon Graphics Hardware
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Gemini Technology Corporation
8 Pasteur Suite 150
Irvine, CA 92718-3814
Phone: (714) 727-1980
Fax: (714) 727-3066